EDMS Australia provides specialist professional engineering and design services to allow for design certification and compliance assessment. The EDMS Australia team has a deep understanding of Australian Standards and is able to provide RPEQ and CPEng sign-off.
Australian Standards which the EDMS Australian team have vast experience in, include:
The EDMS Australia team also has a deep understanding of a variety of other standards relating to the Electrical, Mechanical, Structure & Marine industries.
EDMS Australia's Design Certification Capabilities include:
Client: Metis Design & Engineering Pty Ltd
Scope of Works:
Provide independent third party analysis and design certification to the 2600 L Beam Rebar Tilting Jig designed by Metis Design & Engineering Pty Ltd. This required the designed 2600 L Beam Rebar Tilting Jig to be subject to a certification regime that included:
Client: BSE Cairns Slipways Pty Ltd
Scope of Works:
Provide Independent Third Party Analysis and Design Certification to the Cape Class Patrol Boat (CCPB) Mobile Boat Hoist Lifting Cradles designed by EDMS Australia. This required the manufactured lifting device to be subject to a test regime that included: